Talking to the right people at the right time can save you thousands on your renovation project. Hiring an architect before getting finance pre-approval can mean paying for designs to build something you don’t have the finances to complete. So your financial provider is your first point of call.
Additional Concepts has won “Best Of Customer Service on Houzz®”, the leading platform for home renovation and design. We were chosen by the more than 40 million monthly unique users that comprise the Houzz community from among more than 2.1 million active home...
We are excited to announce that we were voted by the Houzz community as a winner of our Best of Houzz 2018 award for our Customer Service! We want to say a big ‘thank you’ for all those who gave us a review! The Best Of Houzz is awarded annually in three...
Designing a small bathroom takes careful planning, but when it’s also the only bathroom servicing a family of six – that’s when the real challenge begins! After facing just that challenge for one of my clients recently, here are a few tips: 1. Storage Make use...
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