Your vanity can be problematic. Water can leak inside the unit from the hot or cold tap intake, from the plug and waste or the waste pipe going out – water and vanities are not a good mixture. So regularly check the inside of the vanity for any signs of wetness. You only need to feel the bottom of the waste pipe or the shelf to find out if there are any leaks (and then address it immediately). If you detect water and do nothing, you may need to replace the vanity. This is one of the reasons why waste traps should be cleaned out once a year.

Taps get old and need replacement washers or if it’s ceramic disc, need new top assemblies or taps. Taps can leak out of the top. This is usually from a worn or broken ‘O’ ring which can be replaced. See below:

If you use a plug in your sink, you need to wash it thoroughly regularly, because it is usually dirty and mouldy. Simply placing it in the dishwasher can do the job.

Wipe the sink down with a germ killer making sure the tap handles also get a good wipe. Cleaning around the taps can be difficult, so take care to get the gunk out of the gaps. The sink should be wiped down every day to dry it, otherwise you can get a buildup of mildew.

If the sink is acrylic and chipped, you can contact a company who can repair it or if the chip is shallow you could make it less noticeable using a car cutting compound. If its china, you might avoid replacing it if you can get a drop of white paint to fill the hole to make it less noticeable.

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